Preparing For Natural Disasters in the US
Living in Melbourne I am lucky enough to be pretty safe from most, if not all natural disasters. With the exception of bush fires in extreme heat, I don’t live in a location that is threatened by tornadoes, earthquakes or hurricanes regularly in the way other people are.
I was recently contacted by Logan from Your Local Security who asked if I could help spread the word about preparing for natural disasters in the United States. And I am more than happy to help! Many parts of USA are regularly threatened by all sorts of natural disasters, from earthquakes on the West Coast to hurricanes on the East Coast. The aftermath of these disasters can be devastating for the local communities with all outcomes such as injury and death and millions of dollars worth of damage to the cities and towns.
As described by the Natural Disaster Safety website – A natural disaster is a devastating event caused by rain, wind, fire and even earth that endangers people’s lives and property. Although there is often little that can be done to prevent a natural disaster, people can takes steps to reduce the effect that is has on themselves and their property.
If you live in USA or you’re travelling there in the near future I would definitely recommend checking out Your Local Security’s website to learn about Natural Disaster Safety. If you live in these areas, the website has great resources on ways to prepare your house and property for a natural disaster in order to sustain the minimal damage. This isn’t a preppers website (I am not a fan of hardcore preppers), but more simple ways to ensure you’re house and property will have the best outcome if faced with a natural disaster. It’s also a helpful website for travellers. It’s good the be informed about the weather patterns and natural risks that sometimes surround the areas your visiting. Reading up on what to expect in a natural disaster will allow you to be more prepared and understand what’s happening and what to do if you find yourself in one.
Natural disasters regularly occur all over USA and are often influenced by what time of the year, month and season it is. Take the time to learn a little more about natural disaster safety here: http://yourlocalsecurity.com/natural-disaster-safety Image found here.