My New Adventure
I just wanted to take a minute to share some exciting news with you guys. I know I have been incredibly absent here lately, and pretty much abandoned my blog like an unloved pot plant, but I am back! Over the last 6 months I started a new job, which has been incredibly time consuming and exhausting, but I am starting to get the hang of it now and finding a little more of a work life balance.
I have recently taken on a new role as a Travel Consultant for Flight Centre in Williamstown, Victoria! After spending the first six months of last year in a job that made me extremely unhappy, I knew it was time for a change. The reality is, I don’t have the budget or the time to travel as much as I would like (who does, right), but in this role I get the opportunity to talk to people about their travel plans every single day and make them a reality, which is pretty cool!
What does that mean for you? I can help you construct your dream travel experience! No matter what type of holiday or adventure you’re looking for, what destination inspires you or what your budget is, I can help you put together the perfect itinerary for you! The best part is, this isn’t just restricted to people who live in Melbourne (although it is just for people who live in Australia). If you live anywhere in Australia you can shoot me an e-mail anytime (contact details below) and I can still help you create your perfect holiday. I hope I can help some of you travel the world.
I will also get back to regular new posts though! Coming up on the blog is Japan, New Zealand and Kangaroo Island!
E-mail me at